Jesus teaches here that heaven and hell are both very real. Some religions and even Christian churches don’t believe in Hell. Some believe that everyone goes to heaven. The Truth is the very second you die your soul either goes to Heaven or Hell. It is proven by Jesus when he was hanging on the cross he told one of the criminals who was hanging by his side this: Luke 23:43 “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Most preachers today will not preach about hell because it is not the most popular thing to do. Prosperity Preaching and make me feel gospel is the thing to do. We often like to tell people come to church cause God wants to bless you. Of coarse he wants to bless but most important He Wants To Save!!
The rich man had no sympathy for Lazarus, showing him no love, or compassion whatsoever.
(Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?) The point is lets not shy about telling people and warning them about the reality of Heaven and consequences of Hell. Jesus didn't shy from speaking about it and neither should you. Lets preach the whole truth, the whole gospel. If you would like to receive salvation Click Here
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